Monday, June 9, 2008

We're Home

Alright we are finally home. Max was released from baby jail (Infant ICU) on thursday night the 5th of june. It was so nice to have him in our room for the first time. Steffanie and Max were doing so well we were allowed to go home on Friday. We got home around 5pm. It has been non stop with company and phone calls. I love it it is like showing off a new toy but a million times better. I am trying to line up dinners until the fouth of July. So far all I have is until thursday. Oh well I tried.

We love being home.

Now for all the new pictures. Enjoy. We have.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mom, Dad and Maxwell



Max Video

Maxwell Michael Ferguson

Born June 3rd 2008

After a long battle he has arrived. Steffanie had a goal of delivering Max natural, however after a brave effort and no cooperation from Max she ended up having a C-section. We arrived at the hospital at 1:00 pm on June 2nd after being rescheduled twice starting at 7:00 am on June 2nd. We checked in and got comfortable for what we thought was going to be an easy labor. You see Steffanie has not been sick at all since finding out she was pregnant. She worked all the way up to her scheduled induction. She has felt great and was even golfing a the same week he was due. He was due on May 26th 2008. At 3:00 pm the nurse started the Petosin to help along contractions. She arrived only dialated to a 2 and 60% effaced. Contractions started just like they were supposed too. At 5:00 pm Dr. Cox came and broke the water. Steffanie was now feeling what a "real contraction" feels like. Every 2 hours or so she was checked for progress and around 1200 pm on June 3rd she was still a two. She was absolutely miserable and in intense pain. She had a goal of going natural without an epidural however she had been laboring for 12 hrs and there had been no change in dilation. Extremely discouraged and unable to bear any more pain she broke down and requested an epidural. Thank God. Once the epideral kicked in she was like a whole new woman. Unfortunately the contractions had become significantly less and the night seemed to just drag on and on. The morning of June 3rd she was finally showing progress, she had dilated to a four. yeh. After a series of nurse shifts and upping the Petosin and stopping the Petosin and restarting the Petosin changing positions etc she was slowing showing progress. The Dr. was concerned with the stress on the baby and the fact of here water being broke for twenty four hours he recommended a C-section. We really didn't want to have this as an option but she was only dilated to an 8 with no progression over several hours. At 5:00 pm on June 3rd we were suited up and in the operating room. WOW what an experience that was. I'll tell you that is not for the weak to see that. I ate it up though. I thought it was the coolest. They wouldn't let me video tape any of the procedure. I wish I could have. Max was born at 5:59 pm on June 3rd. The doctor removed max from the stomach and took him over to the care table they let me go and start video taping him immediately while they worked on Steffanie. That's when I think I have been the most scared in my whole life. When I went over to the table there were 4 caregivers working on max. I noticed he was completely white and wasn't breathing. I saw the panic in the caregivers eyes and i turned off the video. I was sick and was in somewhat of a panic. I knew something was terribly wrong and I would never want to relive the next fifteen minutes. When a baby is born the rate them in time intervals with being 0 meaning no signes of life to a 10 meaning fine and healthy. At one minute he was a 1 meaning only a faint heart beat. At five minutes he was still a one. They were unable to get max to breath on his own. his heart had temporarily stopped and the were giving baby chest compressions. At ten minutes he was a three and they were able to get the heart back and some color was evident in his skin and he was sporadically breathing on his own. After fifteen minutes he was a 7 and they were able to take him to the baby ICU. I stayed with steffanie until she was able to go back to the room for recovery. I immediately went to see max and relieve my unsettled mind on if he was OK. The nurses were trying to take blood and set a IV. Max wasn't having it. It took an hour to find a usable vein and set the IV to start giving him antibiotics. The nurses assured me the worst was over and he was self sustaining with good blood pressure and he was breathing on his own without oxygen. THE LONGEST 30 MINUTES OF MY LIFE.... Finally he was here and everything is OK.

Thanks for all the family and friend support.

We love you all.

On a sad note my grandmother from my mothers side passed away on the morning of June 3rd. She will be greatly missed and I only hope she was able to meet Max and would like to think she had a hand in Max's quick recovery.

Eight pounds Three ounces
Twenty one and a half inches.